Coffeeplz, Purpose and Goals

I’ve long written blogs with minimal (non-existent?) success and longevity. I have hosted them from dorms, apartments, and homes. I have used Blosxom, Blogger, and WordPress. I have posted musings, photos, opinions, and stupid things (mostly stupid things). I have long wanted to write about my experience with ServiceNow, which I began using in some capacity in 2010. But other than participating in ServiceNow’s Community, I haven’t put my thoughts and experiences in writing (other than the occasional KB or documentation).

Writing can be challenging, confusing, infuriating. But it can also be an outlet for creative ideas, a historical record, and even cathartic at times. Mostly, though, I use it as a way to help remember things. My memory is embarrassingly poor, to the point where I look at Community posts and think “Wow! That was helpful and well-written!” only to realize that it was written by me – I was the author….

I have long utilized the best and worst ServiceNow-related blogs to help solve challenging issues and gain wisdom from those who solved a problem before me. It is my hope that Coffeeplz will help others solve their challenging issues and be a useful, reliable source of information for years to come.

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