SN Utils Slashcommands – Spring 2022


I am a long-time user of the amazing, irreplaceable, invaluable SN Utils by Arnoud Kooi. If you’re not familiar, it’s a browser plugin (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari) that enhances the ServiceNow experience for anyone with an admin role or even those without. It has been around for 6 years or so and the latest stats provided by Arnoud indicate that there are almost 50,000 installations so far!

There are many, many features I could cover, but I wanted to highlight the feature that I use the most: Slashcommands. In particular, I wanted to share the custom commands that I have built myself or added based on the recommendation of someone else.

Note: To get the list of your custom Slashcommands, click the SN Utils icon in your browser, select the Settings tab and locate the “Slash Commands” box.

These are in no particular order:

chgjavascript:g_form.addInfoMessage(JSON.stringify(g_form.modifiedFields));What changed?This is actually related to a recent post about using g_form.modifiedFields to determine which fields changed since the page was last loaded.
esc/escESC pageEmployee Service Center service portal$0Group keyword queryAllows me to perform a search against the sys_user_group table without typing in the entire table name
list$$sysid^OR$0Move to list view with current record and encoded queryMore often than not, I just use “/list” and don’t bother with the encoded query, but it’s a big time saver when I need it!$0^ORnameLIKE$0^ORsys_id=$0^ORemployee_numberLIKE$0Users <search>I often have a username, sys_id, or employee number in my clipboard and want to quickly look up the user. new report 2 minutes of logsIt’s embarrassing how frequently I use this.

I also have several Slashcommands set up for custom service portal URIs for many of my clients, but I didn’t want to include them here, as the clients and my employer would probably not appreciate me sharing such things. Needless to say, they are all riffs on the “esc” row above.

It may also be worth noting that I invoke this constantly with the keyboard shortcut “CTRL+s” (I’m on a Mac) that I set via the chrome://extensions/shortcuts page.

I’m so hopelessly addicted to this plugin… I hope you are too! If you haven’t seen it before, please be sure to check it out. If you, like me, are an avid user, please let me know your favorite Slashcommands in the comments.

There are many ways you can follow along with the development of SN Utils, but here are my favorite:



SNDevs Slack Channel #sn-utils:

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