ServiceNow and Search Engines – Winter 2024

As a follow-up to my post on search engines in June 2022, I thought I’d give a update about my recent search habits and if anything has changed I’ve been using Brave as my default search engine since around that time. I like that they have no ads (at least that I see) and easy ... Read More

SN Utils – Summer 2023

A lot has changed since I last wrote about SN Utils, but one thing hasn’t changed: I still use the hell out of SN Utils. Here’s a rundown of my current favorite or updated features: As always, I’m incredibly grateful that SN Utils is a thing and development is still on-going. If you’d like to ... Read More

UI Policies and the Negative Case

A UI Policy is one of the easiest to build and understand artifacts in the ServiceNow universe. At its most basic level, it takes no condition and does up to three actions: makes a field shown or hidden, editable or read-only, and/or mandatory or optional. That’s it! This is obviously an over-simplified scenario. Let’s take ... Read More

Custom Fields in HR Case

There’s really nothing quite like HR Case Management. It’s kinda like Incident, but not really. It’s kinda like service catalog, but not really. Thanks to HR Service, we have many different types of tasks being handled in small set of tables within the HR scope. This works pretty well, but can become complicated when you ... Read More

Coffeeplz, Purpose and Goals

I’ve long written blogs with minimal (non-existent?) success and longevity. I have hosted them from dorms, apartments, and homes. I have used Blosxom, Blogger, and WordPress. I have posted musings, photos, opinions, and stupid things (mostly stupid things). I have long wanted to write about my experience with ServiceNow, which I began using in some ... Read More