ServiceNow and Search Engines – Winter 2024

As a follow-up to my post on search engines in June 2022, I thought I’d give a update about my recent search habits and if anything has changed I’ve been using Brave as my default search engine since around that time. I like that they have no ads (at least that I see) and easy ... Read More

SN Utils – How I Use It

The last time I wrote about SN Utils, it was highlighting the Slashcommands that I have manually loaded into every browser profile where SN Utils is installed. This time, I thought I’d review my most-used features of the beloved browser plugin. Slashcommands I already wrote about this (and will continue to do so, as I ... Read More

ServiceNow and Search Engines – Summer 2022

If you are anything like me, you’re constantly firing up a new tab in your browser of choice and entering “servicenow” followed by whatever you need to do. I probably do this 10-20 times each day. Here’s an example of things I did recently based on my browser history: servicenow flow return record object servicenow ... Read More

SN Utils Slashcommands – Spring 2022

I am a long-time user of the amazing, irreplaceable, invaluable SN Utils by Arnoud Kooi. If you’re not familiar, it’s a browser plugin (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari) that enhances the ServiceNow experience for anyone with an admin role or even those without. It has been around for 6 years or so and the latest stats ... Read More

Coffeeplz, Purpose and Goals

I’ve long written blogs with minimal (non-existent?) success and longevity. I have hosted them from dorms, apartments, and homes. I have used Blosxom, Blogger, and WordPress. I have posted musings, photos, opinions, and stupid things (mostly stupid things). I have long wanted to write about my experience with ServiceNow, which I began using in some ... Read More