CatalogUtil – A GlideAjax Multi-tool

Customers of mine who use the service catalog tend to really use the service catalog. Many of them have big ambitions when it comes to what their catalog items, order guides, and record producers can do. This often results in leveraging GlideAjax in catalog client script, which means writing a corresponding script include to do ... Read More

Your Changes Will Be Lost If You Leave Now

We’ve all seen it. We’ve all scratched our heads when ServiceNow tells us that fields have been changed, but we don’t think so because we know the page just loaded or that no changes were made. We’ve all slowwwwwly clicked Leave or Discard and hoped we were right. How could we possibly know? There are ... Read More

Getting System Properties via GlideAjax

I frequently find myself adding system properties in order to meet ServiceNow’s best practice recommendation on hard-coding sys_ids in code. The best practice states: Avoid using hard-coded values in scripts, as they can lead to unpredictable results and can be difficult to track down later. Hard coding sys_ids is not recommended, as they may not ... Read More